Are ISBN numbers free?
The ISBN number is a unique identifier assigned to every book. It stands for International Standard Book Number and is used to uniquely identify a book. While the ISBN number is not free in the United States, it is an essential piece of information that is needed to be able to track a book’s sales and distribution. In some countries, ISBN are offered by the government for free to their citizens. Must countries charge fees for ISBN, price depends on country to country. For example, 1 ISBN in the US costs $125 but in France 1 ISBN cost 35 Euro.
How to get free ISBN number?
It’s depends on your nationality. If you are from a country that offers ISBN for free, then you are in luck. Also, you should remember that government powered ISBN agency are slow and there are rules that you have to follow in regard to publishing your book. You can learn more about obtaining ISBN for free here.
How to get free ISBN for Amazon?
It is easy to get an ISBN number from Amazon for print book. As for ebooks publishing, ISBN is optional. You just need to set up your book listing on Amazon KDP as you do normally. On the second page, called “Content Page” where you get to upload your book manuscript and cover design, on the same page you can generate a free ISBN with just a one click. Please note, there are downsides of using free ISBN from Amazon KDP.
Does ebook need an ISBN?
It is optional if you want to sell your book on just one store, like Amazon through KDP platform. But if you wish to distribute your book to multiple stores, then you most have ISBN number for your ebooks. It also depends on the store itself. Some store won’t let you publish ebook without an ISBN, even if you are publishing exclusively on their website.
FreeISBN Sitemap
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