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ISBN Guide for Authors

ISBNs are not just a book’s number. They serve as an identifier that helps distinguish the specific edition of a book from all the others. The ISBN is also the way to identify books that are not available in local or virtual bookstores.

The ultimate guide to being a successful author, no matter what genre

Also, ISBN numbers can be used to identify books in libraries, they provide information about an author and their works and they help libraries organize their collections.

ISBN Example — ISBN-13 and ISBN-10 — 978 & 979 Prefix

ISBN Example — ISBN-13 and ISBN-10 — 978 & 979 Prefix

There are two types of ISBN formats, ISBN-10 and ISBN-13. The ISBN-10 format is outdated. After 2007, now ISBN-13 is used. ISBN-13 and ISBN-10 are convertible as long as the ISBN prefix is 978. 979 is a new ISBN prefix introduced in 2020. The new ISBN prefix is not...

What is ISBN Database and ISBNdb?

What is ISBN Database and ISBNdb?

Whether you are a book reader or author, understanding the ISBN (International Standard Book Numbers) database will help you find information about a particular book. This blog post will cover what is an ISBN database, how the ISBN database works, and how to find...

Get 1 ISBN for $99, Bowker ISBN Offer for Amazon KDP Publisher

Get 1 ISBN for $99, Bowker ISBN Offer for Amazon KDP Publisher

Do you need an ISBN to self-publish your print book on Amazon? I am going to share with you information on Bowker ISBN offer. You can purchase one ISBN for 99 USD instead of 125 USD. ISBN is optional for publishing ebook (Kindle) on Amazon. But for print book...

ISBN Converter ISBN-10 to ISBN-13 and Vice Versa (Complete Guide)

ISBN Converter ISBN-10 to ISBN-13 and Vice Versa (Complete Guide)

The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique identifier for books, essential for their distribution and sales. In 2007, the ISBN system transitioned from a 10-digit format to a 13-digit format. This change was made to align with the European Article...



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