A detailed examination of documents from the Hachette vs. Internet Archive lawsuit has brought to light significant...
Everything you need to know about ISBNs and self-publishing books. We publish helpful tips and strategy to help you get your book distributed worldwide and protect your book ownership

Digital Lending Battle: Internet Archive’s Book Service Challenges Traditional Publishing Rights
The publishing industry faces a new chapter in digital rights controversy. This follows a decade-long legal battle...
How to Republish Your Book (Self Publishing Guide)
There are several necessary steps you need to take before republishing your book. The necessary actions will depend on...
When will my book appear in the ISBN Database?
Please understand that there is no centralized or global ISBN database. There is a centralized book publisher database...
Can I publish a book without an ISBN?
You can publish ebook without an ISBN. Selling Ebook online is much easier. There are platforms Like Gumroad and Selly...
Does ISBN protect copyright? Self Publishing Guide
ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number, and it has nothing to do with book copyright. I understand some...
Why is ISBN Expensive? ISBN Cost Explained
The cost for 1 ISBN is $125 in the US, why is ISBN expensive? If you purchase in bulk the cost become cheaper but that not preferable for self publishers. Learn where to buy cheap ISBN.
What is Title Verso in Book Publishing with Example?
If you have published a book or are about to publish a book, then you might have come up with terms such as title...
ISBN Checker: Validate ISBN Number
Various online ISBN Checker tools are available to assist in verifying an ISBN. Simply possessing a valid ISBN does not guarantee availability for publishing. To publish your book, you must acquire an ISBN from an ISBN agency and then assign it to a book format.