ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number, which is a unique identifier assigned to each edition and variation of a book. ISBNs are crucial for book lovers and researchers because they help identify specific books and ensure that the correct edition is being...
Rajeev Joshi
ISBN-10 vs ISBN-13 – Advantages and Disadvantages
ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a unique identifier for books that is used by publishers, booksellers, and libraries to efficiently manage and track books. The ISBN-10 and ISBN-13 number that is assigned to a book and appears on its cover, title page, and...
Choosing A Good Imprint Name: Self Publishing Guide
Choosing a right imprint name for publishing a book is an important part of publishing journey as an independent author. There are so many factors to consider, from the overall theme of your book to the target audience you're trying to reach. But have no fear! We're...
How to find an ISBN Agency in your Countries
ISBNs are assigned by a book publisher to a particular book format when a book is published. This standardization allows publishers and booksellers to identify books quickly, facilitating the trade of books between libraries, retailers, and distributors. When we...